Desktop / Work
Area Detector
Desktop / Work Area Detectors and Zones
The use of RFID Desktop / Work Area detectors is based on a customer’s file folder usage environment and records management processes. Each RFID detector is named in the database as a person or place, such as ‘John Doe’s Office’, ‘Office 123’, etc.
If portable scanner inventories are performed on a frequent enough basis and/or if Facility RFID Detection Zones are spaced with adequate location granularity, then RFID desktop detectors may not be required.
Desktop / Work Area Detectors are ideal when:
Most commonly, RFID Desktop / Work Area detectors are connected to a workstation, laptop or tablet in a work area via USB port. For any RFID-tagged documents, folders or archives that are detected, their location automatically updates within the SmartTraxx database.
There are two (2) primary types of USB desktop detectors:
For longer range detection within a work area or office, a network-connected RFID all-in-one reader/antenna can be placed overhead to saturate an approximate 10 to 20’ area. Reader/antennas can also be placed under worksurfaces to provide maximum distance and strength of RFID radio waves for detecting many documents, files or archives on a work surface.