Facility RFID
Detection Zone

Facility RFID Detection Zones
RFID zones can be placed at any office, doorway, elevartor/stairwell passageway or a any location where files travel. Each RFID detection zone is named in the database as a ‘place’ or ‘person’ location. For example, ‘reception area’, ‘conference room B’ or ‘zone A-114’, etc.
When files pass between wall mount antennas and/or below ceiling mount antennas, any files traveling through the zone are detected. The location of the files detected update in SmartTraxx to Location = Person/Place or Zone.
RFID Facility Detection Zones are comprised of a RFID reader connected to the server via Ethernet or POE cable. Each reader typically supports up to four (4) antenna connections.
Each antenna or any combination of antennas connected to an RFID reader can be defined in the database as a location. For example, Antenna A = Office # 144, Antenna B = Front Desk and Antenna C and Antenna D = Hallway B / Zone 4.
Whereas RFID antennas have a range up to approximately 40’, based on the height of most ceilings, and to prevent reading tags that are on floor(s) below or above the antennas (meaning antennas are configured for less than full power to avoid reading tags ‘through the floor or ceiling’), it should be assumed that a typical detection zone would be similar to a 10’ circle on the floor (multiple antennas within an area create larger detection zones). For example: