Portable Scanner

Portable Scanner, Scanner Software and Database Syncs
The portable RFID scanner is essential to RFID implementations, if for no other reason, to rapidly find needed/missing files. Portable RFID scanners transmit radio waves approximately 20’. The scanner uses color, sound and numeric indexes to guide a User to within a few inches of a needed file!
Being able to quickly find a needed file folder is a central capability of RFID technology, as a fail-safe methodology for getting folders to staff in a timely manner. Fast file access means recovered productivity and improved customer service.
Portable scanners are also utilized to establish ‘real time’ document, file and archive locations through periodic inventories of files-in-circulation and/or in storage. An important advantage of RFID location data originating with portable RFID scanners versus RFID Facility Detection Zones is that location data from portable scanners is exact versus ‘within a zone’ that comprises ‘n’ # of actual locations. It takes about 30 seconds to inventory a typical office or work area.
RFID inventories perform by having a unique RFID location tag in each work area and RFID tags on documents, folders and/or archives. When staff are performing an inventory, they scan each location tag and then wave the scanner around the work area to scan all of the tagged documents, folders or archives.
Though it is uncommon for filing systems, some customers file randomly versus according to a systematic file sequencing schema. For these customers, RFID location tags can be placed on each shelf or drawer, and shelf or drawer tags (bar code and/or RFID) can be scanned and document, folder, archive tags can be scanned to update the SmartTraxx database with the exact location of a file.
Customers with a systematic file system sequencing methodology typically do not require shelf tags. Color-coding should be used to control active file shelf/drawer locations. Whereas, shelf tags are common for archives.
The inventory data from portable scanners transmits to the database via restful web services and WiFi, Ethernet connection or USB sync.