Casual User Interface

Casual User Interface
Records management staff, administrators and other ‘power users’ typically utilize SmartTraxx’s administrator software interface, including all of the software’s functions for which a User is authorized to access.
Office workers typically only require precise features, such as ‘where is a record right now’, ‘request a record’ or ‘transfer a record’. SmartTraxx includes a Casual User Interface that is used by office staff to quickly query the database to determine the location and status of a record, and, to Request or Transfer the record. It takes about 15 seconds for a typical usage of the Casual User Interface.
Staff can typically be trained to effectively utilized the Casual User Interface in about 10 minutes. It is designed to be easy-to-learn, easy-to-use and fast. Office workers often resist using more complex software to perform the specific and simple functions that are required of typical office workers.
The SmartTraxx Casual User Interface promotes system adoption and usage, and streamlines critical functions like file look-ups and file requests. Each action performed in the Casual User Interface saves as an audit trail record.