File Tracking System

RFID File Tracking System ♦ RFID File Location System

Bar Code File Tracking System ♦ Find Missing Files

Records Management Software ♦ Filing Systems

Electronic Document Management 877-280-RFID (7343)

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File Folders

SmartTraxx includes unlimited flat and parent-child ‘data views’ for unlimited record types. Many customers only have a single data view, for example for clients, loans, personnel, contracts, patients etc. Other customers have multiple layouts, such as personnel files can client files.

SmartTraxx supports parent-child relationships for customers that have sub-folders within master folders, for example, top tab manila sub-folders within redweld expandable file pockets. A database query will return a row of data for the master folder and a row of data for each sub-folder.

Unlimited data fields can be included for each data view. For example, a personnel data view may include fields such as employee name, employee #, Date Hired, Position, Salary or Hourly, Department, Division, etc. Date field formatting options include text entry, drop-down list, pop-up calendar, checkbox and notes.

New records can be added to the database by keyboard or can be imported from a customer’s existing backend database/application software, such as Oracle or any core-processing system. SmartTraxx can be integrated with essentially any backend database for nightly or periodic import of records that were added to the backend database, avoiding the need for redundant data entry.

Users are restricted to file types and software functions, based on privileges granted to each User.

SmartTraxx keeps track of the location and status of all files. Location data is typically based on bar code or RFID check-in and check-out, RFID detection zones and inventories of files-in-circulation. The status of files can be updated by Users or can be automated by the software. Common file status values includ open, closed, active, inactive, archived, destroyed, permanent, etc.

